Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Feelin' Groovy

Not sure why, maybe it's the sunshine, but I've been listening to a lot of Simon and Garfunkel lately. It is so good. The songs, the rhythms, I just love it. Thankfully, so do my friends and family, otherwise they might be a bit crazy by now.

Yesterday I went out for my last long run before Placid, a nice, super easy 2 hour jaunt through the many State and Town park surrounding my house. Now that I've been in my house since November, I've gotten to know many of the neighbors, or rather, they've gotten to know me!

It was a real boost to hear cheers from passing cars and even get a few running buddies for short segments. My neighbor's sheltie, the kids on Lillis rd and a little baby fox I spied running along side me in the woods.

Once home, it was time for an ice bath and then girl's night out: The perfect end to the day.

Lots of great things happening here that I can't wait to tell you all about. I'm brokering a few new sponsorship deals right now - 2 for me personally and the others for the race series. It's super exciting. Pair that with a 2-day cross race, and 2 new consulting jobs, a few days of figure modeling and you've got yourself some nice summer stimulus!

Next on the schedule? Work on getting into Ironman Florida this fall.

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