Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Treasure Hunting

It's back to the grind around here - lots of work and now, exercise (well, still not so much of it).

After a lovely run yesterday, I moseyed over to my 'Rent's house to help clear out some old bedrooms, closets, trunks and soon....the basement. We've been on full-on cleaning mode recently - tearing apart family storage spaces and showering the local VNA, Goodwill and Social Services with unwanted treasures.

While sorting thru an old trunk (in my old room), I found some real gems. Notebooks from my Montessori days. One of the entries was about Mesopotamia. I wrote (in script b/c they never taught us how to write in print) that it was the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and is now known as Iran, Syria, Turkey and Iraq. I wrote that in 1989 at the age of 5. My mom and I started cracking up that a number of modern-day politicians that probably would not be able to provide such information.

Some other finds include a plethora of teeny, tiny leotards and tights... and slightly larger ballet shoes to pair with them.

The best find's of the day were hippy sticks - you know, a long stick w/ fringed ends and two drum-stick like instruments you use to toss the longer stick, without dropping it...and the VERY best find of the day was a MINT New Kids on the Block fanny pack. Awesome.

I'm debating about who will appreciate the fanny pack more:

1. my friend Robin who is a CRAZY nkotb fan.
2. Goodwill
3. Ebay crazies

Decisions, decisions.

Ok, enough BS-ing, it's time to hit the gym. While I like to use Eric's phrase, "My strength is my strength" - it wasn't enough of an argument for me to get out of lifting this base season. No complaining - time to slap on that makeup, push-up bra and fitness sneakers and get to it! Gym girl tirade will have to wait for another day.

Seriously, why wear makeup and useless clothing to the gym?!

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