Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Off Season - part I

I've been thinking of posting about my off season - though "thinking" implies that I'm actually able to do so right now. I'm always surprised by my level of fatigue when I actual let myself rest.

It was a post by my friend and mentor, Eric Hodska, that got me thinking of the best ways to describe an off season. Eric is a scientist in a lot of ways - he studies sport, athletes and everything in between. What is great about Eric is, you ask him a question and get a bulleted answer - so thorough and in-depth that he explores avenues you hadn't even thought of. It's pretty cool to call him friend!

Eric breaks down an ideal off season. I definitely agree with his philosophy - though I think some take longer than others to decompress and feel rejuvenated for the next season. My first off season was about 8 weeks long - I had no desire to do any swim/bike/run... over the years, it has gotten progressively shorter, and this year I am trying the 2 weeks totally off then 2 weeks active recovery formula. It's something Jimmy and I discussed last year and yet I still took 4 weeks completely off.

The off season for me ends up being about business - catching up on business and all of the social fun I've missed. This year it means a lot of life changes and I'm hoping the fresh start will be good for all areas of my life.

The off season means fun food, drink, lots of massage/acupuncture, doctors visits and rest. Sleeping as much as I can and just getting the body and mind to come back together. I don't know if it's the intense focus required all year that makes me so mentally useless right now, or what, but the only signals my brain is sending are request for Food, Sleep and - well, let's not go there.

I'll embrace the simple-creature-ness for these 2 weeks, then it's back to life, back to reality.

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