Monday, January 26, 2009

Tri-Divas and Spinathon Magic

On Saturday I loaded up the car with Gatorade, coolers, snacks and some gym clothes in preparation for a day of spin-bike riding as part of the Wheels for Warriors fundraiser.

Laurie (Miss Lali - lali-pop - lali-girl) Wilkinson, a New Milford native has two sons in the military. She is a rockstar and someone I am entirely excited to call 'friend'. Laurie has been organizing this spinathon fundraiser for a few years now and when I left on Saturday, she had raised over $96,000 for the program in this year alone. Pretty incredible!!

It was a fun experience, especially since I have not been on a spin bike in years. It's a very empowering experience - a lot of fun and a great way to catch up with friends. Many of the Tri Divas were there - a group of lovely ladies that train and race together! They are always supportive of my events - not just racing, but volunteering. I could not do without these girls. So Saturday was great fun - and a great workout. I had originally planned to ride all day, but with a cold coming on at the end of last week, Eric and I came to a compromise and he let me do 2 classes.

Next weekend there is another spinathon and I might just force myself to do it!

Pics to come soon!

Again, way to go Laurie and the whole Wheels for Warriors team! You are doing great things for our wounded soldiers. You don't have to support the war, but always support our troops.

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