Sunday, May 10, 2009

La Alma de mi Madre

My Momma has got soul. The woman is the definition of kindness and compassion - and she is liberal with these things when it comes to family. I don't believe there has ever been a moment when I doubted my Mother's love and commitment to me. She is my constant. When everything else changes in the world, in my world, she is there.

I can talk to my Mother about anything, and I do talk to her about everything! She is my friend, my confidant, my mentor. She helps reel me back to myself when I start moving in too many directions. She keeps me from eating crap - all it took was one pinch on the butt and a "are you sure you want to eat that chocolate brioche" to snap me back into reality.

So, with that - a few things about my Mother:

She reminds me that there is a time for indulgence - a time to splurge and many more times when you need to save instead.

She reminds me that plans are just that - skipping yoga class to have a glass of wine with girlfriends on the porch achieves the same serenity and joy.

She is always right - from what color looks good on me to what boyfriend is bad for me - but she'll wait for me to find out on my own.

She lets me make mistakes and doesn't hold them against me afterward.

She can still do a split and I still think it's one of the coolest things ever.

I call my mom "the ant", because she is freakishly strong for her tiny ballet dancer build.

I love my mom because she and my Dad "don't sweat the small stuff". Their relationship is the strongest, most loving I know - over 30 years and they still love one another as much as the day they met.

She reminds me that relationships and the things you do for others in the world are what count - no one remembers that your house was always in House and Garden Magazine condition, they remember generosity, sincerity and warmth.

She made sure I knew my Grandparents and makes sure that my 91 (almost 92) year old Grandma and I have plenty of time together - that I learn my family history.

She loves her mother.

And I love her.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

what a cool post! your mother sounds like a fantastic woman! aren't we lucky girls to have such wonderful moms? i am thankful everyday of my life for that (for her)! :)