Monday, January 25, 2010

Never Too Late

"It's never too late to start the day over." Michael Franti

I woke up this morning after an epic and excellent weekend feeling a little less than excellent. Maybe it was the gray, rainy sky, maybe it was the 3 AM bedtimes, but whatever the reason, I was lacking mo-mo (aka motivation) in a BIG way.

I puttered around the house finding everything BUT my workouts to do...and then I called Eric. I told him that my brain was telling me to just do it. That I want big things from this year and that in order for that to happen, I need to put in the time now. My brain was telling my sad, pathetic body to get out there on this rainy day b/c I know my competition is out there.

Eric told me exactly what I needed to hear - sadly, not what my body wanted to hear... it kept yelling "take a nap with the puppy!!" - he told me that I need to think 6 months from now - think about what I want on that day. To think about my competition that is just PRAYING that I'll skip today's workout. He then told me, "you'll have enough days training in the rain - today, just go to the gym, hop on the treadmill and do a speed workout - you'll feel better!"

Man, oh, man - that Eric was right! Although I hate running on a treadmill, it was a lot of fun today. Running with music is something I'll only do on the treadmill and I had some great tunes pumping!

The workout sped by and I did Eric's "strength Challenge" of the day - check it out HERE.

The run put me back in a competitive mindset and the day began anew!

1 comment:

Erin said...

good to hear! aren't you so thankful for music sometimes? i NEVER listen to music when i run...except for this one time and, boy oh boy, was it fun! put a little pep in my step and a smile on my face. and good for you for taking a day when you didn't want to do anything and turning that into productivity. :)