Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunday night YUM

It was like the last supper - my training for 2009 officially starts TODAY! That means I'm not only getting off my badonkadonk, but I'm also (ahem) eating healthy. Yes, you may say, you are vegetarian and have a very clean diet - oh, but dear reader, do you know my love for all things sweet, baked and delicious?!

Thankfully, I have been able to pawn off my dessert creations on others - family, Sam and the C-dale crew, the doctors and nurses at the office, the post man (Surprise! There's a cookie in the mailbox for you! He didn't take it the first day, so I put a note on it the day after). Last night I decided I needed a new "decadent/healthy" dessert, so I checked a blog that is fantastic - take a look HERE

Last night we had home-made (by my friend Michael) corn chowder soup, swiss cheese grilled cheese on Newfoundland bread (a whole-wheat, molasses bread - also by Michael), decorative veggies and vegan double-layer pumpkin cheesecake. The meal wasn't all selfish - while I am vegetarian (NOT vegan), my whole family is lactose intolerant - vegan recipes do the trick, esp. when it comes to dessert - though smart balance does make a good substitute in times of need.

While it is definitely not Junior's cheesecake (Gawd I miss Brooklyn) - it was a nice consistency. OH! And I made a granola crust - See E-Rock - I'm trying!

I may or may not have had a slice after breakfast this AM, but mercifully (for my diet that is), I'm getting it out of the house and into someone else's kitchen.

Here are a few pics of the lovely finished product. The lighting makes it look very orange, but it is actually a pretty pale-peach color.

Off for a run and a swim - more on that later!

1 comment:

Erin said...

oh man, i've totally seen this recipe before and really wanted to try it! i'm glad to hear you like it, maybe i'll give 'er a try soon. also, check out:
they are wonderful!!! i am in love with baked items as well, and for some reason (well, for a good reason) don't feel nearly as bad eating vegan goodies as i do 'regular' goodies. enjoy! see you soon!