Monday, February 2, 2009

Keep on Keepin' on

Hey y'all - my apologies for the blogging hiatus. I've been a bit under the weather for the past few days - add insult to injury, I broke out in hives all over. Yup, they are a great accessory to the cough and stuffy nose.

I shouldn't be complaining, I haven't been sick very much - last illness was just as well-timed as this one, the days before Hawaii. Being sick definitely makes you appreciate being healthy and functional. Well, I shouldn't even be complaining at all. I have all my limbs, I will get better in a few days and I can technically still function normally - just without workouts or excess energy.

The boy has been incredible. I've never had someone be so sweet and caring. If someone can still show you affection when you're coughing all over them and covered in hives (and scratching those hives like some kind of crack addict), well, besides owing that person many times over, you definitely recognize how much they mean to you.

1 comment:

Erin said...

awww, i'm glad he's taking such good care of you! we missed seeing you this weekend - get well soon! ;)